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Haiti American Airlines transports its crew on the ground aboard armored vehicles in case of unforeseen events Port-au-Prince, preventing a return the same day Miami

  • June 2, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 23

American Airlines resumes flights to Port-au-Prince amid turmoil

«American Airlines Corporate Security – in concert with the U.S. State Department and the U.S. military – has enacted a series of security measures in preparation for the resumption of service. Crews flying to Haiti will likely notice a heightened security presence at the airport, including new guard towers along the northern perimeter wall, the presence of the U.S. military on the eastern side of the field (which continues operating several C-17 flights daily in and out of PAP), and the destruction of many squatter houses along the northern perimeter where gangs had taken up residence. U.S. security forces are aiding the Haitian National Police to secure the perimeter and ensure the roads between Port-au-Prince and the airport are safe».

American Airlines resumed flights between Miami (MIA) and Port-au-Prince, Haiti (PAP) this week, as mentioned by Enilria. Ed Sicher, president of the Allied Pilots Association (the airline’s pilots’ union), shared a memo detailing the safety measures put in place for this recovery.

Reinforced security at Port-au-Prince airport

American Airlines Security, in collaboration with the US Department of State and the US Army, has implemented a series of measures to ensure flight safety. Crews will note an increased security presence at the airport, with new guard towers along the north wall, the presence of the US military to the east of the airport (which continues to fly several C- 17 daily) and the demolition of squatter houses where gangs had settled. U.S. security forces are assisting the Haitian National Police to secure the perimeter and ensure the safety of roads between Port-au-Prince and the airport.

Emergency measures and secure transportation

Crews operating this flight return to Miami the same day, but American Airlines has provided “secure armored vehicle transportation” in the event of an unplanned ground stop, such as a mechanical problem. Sicher stressed the importance of avoiding leaving crews stranded in Haiti at all costs. Contingency plans were established for maintenance issues, transportation with other airlines, relief flights, and as a last resort, safe transportation to shelters protected by U.S. military and US forces. UN.

Questionable flight conditions

It is interesting to note that the pilots’ and flight attendants’ unions have agreed to resume service under these conditions. Is it really more dangerous than flying to Tel Aviv or mainland China right now? Sicher adds:

“We have demonstrated this in places such as China, Venezuela, and most recently Israel, when we asked our pilots to refuse these assignments due to concerns about regional security. »

But Haiti is different according to him:

“I chose to pilot the first flight (AA819) back to Port-au-Prince today after a long break due to civil unrest. My goals were to directly observe what our crews can expect, verify that the safety protocols in place are sufficient, and assess whether this is reasonably safe. I would never condone flying to a location unless I was personally comfortable doing so. »