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Haiti – Economy: Important meeting between the PM and the Association of Industries of Haiti

  • July 1, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 4

Haiti – Economy: Important meeting between the PM and the Association of Industries of Haiti
01/07/2024 09:10:36

Prime Minister Garry Conille held an important meeting last week with members of the Association of Industries of Haiti (ADIH). Exemption from taxes on imports of raw materials, improvement of customs processes, strengthening of border controls and support for the renewal of the HOPE/HELP law were among the topics discussed.

At the outset, Garry Conille expressed his gratitude to ADIH for its continued efforts to promote industrial development in Haiti. While recognizing the need to achieve political and economic stability for better performance of the industrial sector, he assured that the Government will take concrete measures to this end as soon as possible.

The Prime Minister also underlined the Government’s commitment to fighting corruption and updating the tax system which must align with current economic realities.

He reiterated the Government’s commitment to working closely with ADIH and other employers’ associations with a view to creating a favorable business environment. He stressed the importance of continuing dialogue and collaboration to address challenges related to the industrial sector. The Head of Government insisted in particular on the participation of the economic sector in decision-making and the strengthening of public-private partnership.

Furthermore, let us recall that following the elections held during the Ordinary General Assembly of June 26, 2024, the Association of Industries of Haiti (ADIH), has a new Board of Directors

President : Maulik Radia

John Batroni – Production Nationale
David Coles – Agro-Industrie
Nathalie Hermantin – Textile

Treasurer : Mikaelle William
Secretary : Stephan Déjoie

Tom Adamson
Carine Bellefleur
Georges Cassis
Laila Durban
Ralph Edmond
Maude Louis Jean
Christian Mathon
Christopher Rodriguez
Stephan Saint Remy
Alexandre Vital
Wilhelm Lemke

HL/ HaitiLibre

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