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Haiti-Education: The SESNFP proposes a Council for reform within the INFP

  • May 22, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 23

The Union of Employees of the National Vocational Training System (SESNFP) proposes to the Presidential Transitional Council a Board of Directors of 7 members to direct the National Institute of Vocational Training (INFP) for a period of 2 years, in accordance with what is provided for in the law of May 21, 2018 on the reorganization and modernization of technical and professional training in Haiti, in an open correspondence sent by SESNFP officials to the CPT.

This Board of Directors, according to Jean Marie Léveillé, who is the President of the Union, will have the mission of reforming the technical and professional system, of creating real transparency and of establishing programs based on international standards with the aim of restructuring the technical and professional sector in Haiti.

The Director of the Technical and Vocational School JB Damier believes that for Haiti to regain its dignity, the technical and vocational training system must be revived and that the State must make vocational training its priority, if really the team in place wants to promote the development of the country.

Mackenson PHANOR

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