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Haiti – FLASH: A violent fire partly destroys the Gonaves municipal market

  • June 5, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 18

Haiti – FLASH: A violent fire partly destroys the Gonaïves municipal market
05/06/2024 10:38:18

On the night of June 3 to 4, 2924, a violent fire ravaged the northern part of the Gonaïves municipal market. According to initial information, this fire, the origin of which is unknown at the moment, caused a lot of material damage and significant loss of goods… Among the most affected traders are those selling food supplies, fabrics and charcoal. drink…

Note that since the reconstruction of the market in 2011 after the devastating fire of 2009 which completely destroyed the facilities, this is the 3rd time that the municipal market has been the victim of a disaster.

In the absence of firefighters, residents, using a water truck, took the initiative to limit the rapid spread of the fire, which helped reduce the extent of the damage.

The town hall, together with the Ministry of the Interior, announced that there will be a register for victim merchants, who are awaiting support.

Regarding the lack of firefighters, we learned that the city has 2 broken fire trucks… due to a budget issue, the city cannot get these trucks repaired. Note that the Town Hall operates without a fire department, the fire station inaugurated by the Directorate of Civil Protection (DPC) in Morne-Blanc in February is dysfunctional and the town does not have a municipal fire brigade…

It should be noted that no loss of human life was reported.

HL/ HaitiFree

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