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Haiti – FLASH: Criticized in Kenya for his decision to help Haiti, President Ruto reacts

  • May 26, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 12

Haiti – FLASH: Criticized in Kenya for his decision to help Haiti, President Ruto reacts
26/05/2024 09:32:13

The archbishop says this decision is ill-advised “It does not make sense to send troops to Haiti when we have insecurity problems across the country and particularly in the North Rift. Our demand is that as the government sends troops to Haiti, it also improves security across Kenya,” said Olé Sapit.

In response, Ruto recalled “I made a commitment to the people of Kenya to address insecurity in the North Rift. I followed this commitment with actions. As we speak, there are 3,000 military officers and 2,000 police officers in the North Rift to combat and eliminate the menace of banditry. »

Ruto then highlighted Kenya’s role in strengthening security within its borders while affirming the country’s broader responsibility to do the same beyond its borders.

“We have made enormous progress in keeping our homes safe, but that does not take away our responsibility. Even though we deployed troops and police to resolve the problem of banditry, we still deployed 1,000 soldiers in the DRC Congo because it is our neighbor. […] We have deployed 5,000 troops to Somalia because it is also our responsibility and Haiti should be no exception. The deployment of 1,000 soldiers to Haiti demonstrates the same conviction and the same commitment. »

S/ HaitiFree

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