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Haiti – Politics: Denial of the Presidential Transitional Council

  • March 31, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 31

Haiti – Politics: Denial of the Presidential Transitional Council
31/03/2024 09:10:45

The Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) became aware through the media of the existence of a document allegedly adopted by this body which discusses the dismissal of senior public officials and deals with the procedures for its installation.

In a note, the Council condemns such an act and regrets the harm it could cause while denouncing the objectives of manipulating public opinion and destabilizing the process.

In the current context, it is crucial to maintain the serenity and cohesion of the State in order to be able to respond to the many challenges facing the Haitian nation.

The Presidential Council considers it necessary to specify that This document does not correspond to any decision discussed and adopted within it.

He also asks the media in general to be careful and to seek at all times, and before any broadcast, authentication of communications attributed to the CPT

The Presidential Council reassures the Haitian population that it is working tirelessly for the restoration of peace and the return to constitutional democratic order.

Régine Abraham, Leslie Voltaire, Frinel Joseph, Louis Gérald Gilles, Emmanuel Vertilaire, Fritz Alphonse Jean, Smith Augustin, Edgard Leblanc Fils, Laurent Saint-Cyr

HL/ HaitiFree

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