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Haiti – Politics: The CPT commits to the electricity issue

  • July 10, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 6

Haiti – Politics: The CPT commits to the electricity issue
10/07/2024 09:09:03

During his visit to E-power, Leslie Voltaire spoke with Daniel Rouzier, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company, and allowed him to obtain more information on the 30 MW of electricity supplied by E-power to Electricité d’Haïti (EDH).

Added to the 33 MW of the Peligre hydroelectric plant, the EDH supplies a total of 63 megawatts of electricity, confirmed the Director General of the EDH Jean Errol Morose, during Voltaire’s visit to the EDH station in Delmas 33, adding that the EDH would need at least 300 megawatts to distribute electricity to the entire metropolitan area.

Leslie Voltaire indicated that the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) is committed to the electricity issue, considering that ” There can be no development without electricity. »

He took the opportunity to announce that the CPT will pass instructions to the Minister of Public Works, Ing. Hosty Raphaël for continue to identify problems at ED’H in order to provide rapid solutions concluding “Blackout represents the enemy of development.”

to be continued…

HL/ HaitiLibre

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Posted on 10/07/2024 09:34:38
EDH has no other solution than liquidation. A company that has practically ruined the country with its annual deficit of $250 million. Take this $250 million and make a massive distribution of solar panels. The impact will be more positive. Nothing will be able to raise this company.
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