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Haiti – Social: 10 adopted Haitian orphans arrived in Italy

  • June 9, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 23

Haiti – Social: 10 adopted Haitian orphans arrived in Italy
09/06/2024 10:04:54

The Chigi Palace, seat of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in Italy, confirmed that the flight which brought to Italy ten children from Haiti adopted by Italian families landed at the 31st Wing, at the Ciampino military airport ( Rome) where they were welcomed in particular by Eugénie Roccella, the Minister of Family, Natality and Equal Opportunities.

“A complex operation in a degraded security context in Haiti. Happy and proud to have allowed adoptive families and children to embrace each other,” wrote Antonio Tajani, Vice President of the Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The operation was carried out as soon as the minimum guarantee conditions were restored, in order to avoid the risk of criminal gangs attacking the orphanages. The success of this operation is the result of collaborative action between the Intelligence and Internal Security Agency (AISE), the Italian Foreign Affairs crisis unit, the Ministry of Family, Birth and Equality opportunities, the Italian Embassy in Santo Domingo, the Italian honorary consulate in Port-au-Prince and the Commission for International Adoption.

The Haitian children, as Chigi reports, had been waiting for months to be able to join their Italian families, with whom they had only had contact by video.

Hl/ HaitiFree

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