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Haiti: The President of PLANSPA, Yanick Mezile Lherisson sends her congratulations to the new Prime Minister Garry Conille

  • May 29, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 22

The Transitional Presidential Council (CPT) made the choice on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, of Dr. Garry Conille as Prime Minister of the Transitional Government. In reaction, the President of the National Platform of the Haitian Popular Sector (PLANSPA), Yanick Mézile Lhérisson, in a note, sent his congratulations to the new tenant of the Prime Minister’s Office.

THE HAITI FACTOR, May 29, 2024._Political structures react after the appointment of Garry Conille as new Prime Minister of Haiti. This is the case of the National Platform of the Haitian Popular Sector (PLANSPA).

In a note, the President of PLANSPA, Marie Yanick Mézile Lhérisson congratulated the new head of the next Government for his position.

Note of congratulations from the President of the PLANSPA Party, to Mr. Garry Conille on the occasion of his appointment as Prime Minister of the Republic of Haiti this Tuesday, May 28, 2024.

Mr Prime Minister, on the occasion of your appointment, I would like to extend to you my warmest congratulations and my sincere wishes for success in your new mandate.

I am convinced that you will be able to contribute energetically to the restoration of the structures of the Haitian State and I hope that, under your leadership, the trust and political maturity which characterize the relations between you and the active forces of the country will continue to develop.

The PLANSPA political party, which I lead, shares common values ​​and approaches to the nation’s major challenges. Our vision and our attachment to the role of taking into account the interests of all sectors, but also your involvement in the management of this multidimensional crisis and the fight against insecurity, are issues that bring us together.

I therefore hope that you will be inclined towards governance which aspires to be the cornerstone of the construction of a State sensitive to the interests of all, without distinction.

With my warmest and most patriotic greetings.

Marie Yanick MEZILE LHERISSON President


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Le Facteur Haiti