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Haiti: The United States denounces the blocking of sanctions against Youri Latortue at the UN

  • July 12, 2024
  • 6 Min
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Youri Latortue |

The United Nations (UN) Security Council has blocked US efforts to ratify sanctions against former Haitian Senator Youri Latortue. The former President of the National Assembly is accused of financing and arming Haitian gangs operating in the Artibonite. On the other hand, the United States ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who accuses her colleagues on the UN Security Council, called on Friday for the blockade to be lifted.

THE HAITI FACTOR, July 12, 2024._The name of former Haitian Senator Youri was cited in a UN report for his links with gangs, notably those dictating their law in the Artibonite Department that he armed and financed.

Despite pressure from the United States and France to include gang leaders and politicians on the list, as proposed by the group of experts, the name of the former President of the Senate of the Republic was never included.

In response, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations (UN), Linda Thomas-Greenfield, lost her temper and shouted “Oh scandal”.

Haiti: The United States denounces the blocking of sanctions against Youri Latortue at the UN
Former Senator Youri Latortue during the march against the dictatorship in Haiti, Sunday February 14, 2021

On Friday, the Biden administration’s top diplomat at the United Nations accused her Security Council colleagues of blocking U.S. efforts to impose sanctions against the former lawmaker, who is accused of financing armed gangs operating in the Artibonite Valley, the Miami Herald reported, citing Thomas-Greenfield’s statements.

Read also Haiti-Insecurity: Gangs parade in the streets of Port-au-Prince, a merchant killed, other people injured

According to Ambassador Youri Latortue, “exercises considerable control over the political and economic life of the Artibonite department, notably through violent gangs that he finances and arms,” ​​said Linda Thomas-Greenfield, echoing the conclusions of a report by a group of experts on Haiti.

The work of the Group of Experts, she continued, was to make recommendations, based on its investigations, on individuals who should be sanctioned, representing a threat to the peace and stability of Haiti.

Haiti: The United States denounces the blocking of sanctions against Youri Latortue at the UN
Former Senator Youri Latortue participated in a demonstration against the adjustment of the price of fuel

Linda Thomas-Greenfield said: “ The United States is deeply disappointed by the unexplained blocking of the detention of Youri Latortue.

On the other hand, ” She urged on behalf of the United States that this blockade be lifted quickly.”

It should be recalled that the investigation report of the UN Group of Experts published in 2022, mentioned the names of former parliamentarians, Youri Latortue and Prophane Victor as armed wings and financiers of the gangs in the Artibonite Department.


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Le Facteur Haiti