Pair : Ken-Rick Ferdinand JOSEPH

This Wednesday, February 7, 2024, the U-20 national coach made public a list of 60 players, including 18 of them playing in Haiti. Violette AC is best represented with (4) players, followed by Don Bosco with (3) and Exafoot with (2).

The Haitian national under-20 selection will begin preparations from this Sunday, February 11, 2024 in the islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis. Coach Angelo Jean-Baptiste will take 25 of the 60 players to finally select 20 for the first round of the U-20 World Cup qualifiers.

Despite a definitive cessation of the national championship for almost 3 years, the coach still manages to find 18 players playing in Haiti. Although he repeatedly cited the lack of rhythm of these players during the detection series carried out in Port-au-Prince between January 14 and 15, 2024.

The list of 18 players playing in Haiti called by coach Angelo Jean-Baptiste:


Markensley Toussaint (ASC)
Dodley Aura (Don Bosco)
Didley Desir (Cavaly)


Rikanel Chery (Exafoot)
Luckson Blaise (Don Bosco)
Andreson Joseph (Valencia)
Loubendjy Joseph (Violette)


Schneilorens Lebrun (Exafoot)
Clarence Peter Jean Gilles (Mercure)
Clifford Louis Jean (Violet)
Kerry Mipaulson Carriere (FC Solution)
Dimitri Maisonneuve (Don Bosco)
ADELSON Belizaire (Baltimore)
Johnathan Cervius (Violette)
Steven Deralus (Racing CH)


Kernizan Schneider (Les Cayes FC)
Maxime Jeanty (Violet)
Rapha Intervil (Real Hope FA)

How many of them will be selected to participate in the selection course in the islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis? Remember that the Haitian selection will play against the Cayman Islands (February 23), Saints Kitts and Nevis (February 25) and Puerto Rico (February 27).

In this group E, Haiti will have to finish at the top of the ranking to access the next round of qualifiers for the U-20 World Cup which will take place in Chile in 2025.