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Harris, Newsom, Whitmer: The presidential candidates emerging among Democrats following the latest Biden-Trump presidential debate

  • June 29, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 3

Following US President Joe Biden’s lackluster performance in his debate with former President Donald Trump, heated discussions have emerged within the Democratic Party over the possibility of another candidate for the upcoming presidential elections, scheduled in less than five months.

Among the figures mentioned, three stand out: Kamala Harris, current vice-president of the United States, Gavin Newsom, governor of California, and Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan.

Kamala Harris, as the first woman and first African-American to become vice-president, represents an emblematic figure capable of mobilizing two key electoral bases for Democrats: African-Americans and women. Despite this, his popularity has seen a notable decline since taking office, which could be a point of concern for his presidential bid.

Gavin Newsom, meanwhile, has built a reputation as a progressive and outgoing governor in California. His effective media management and commitment to Democratic causes make him a strong contender. Newsom has also launched a political action committee aimed at supporting Democrats in conservative states, boosting his national presence and potentially setting the stage for a presidential campaign.

Gretchen Whitmer has gained national visibility during the pandemic for her strict COVID-19 control measures in Michigan, despite criticism from Trump. Her ability to work with both sides of the political spectrum and promote progressive policies such as gun control and protections for LGBTQ+ rights strengthens her credibility as a potential presidential candidate.

However, its national prominence is still limited, although it has taken steps to strengthen its national media and political presence.

Thus, although Joe Biden is currently the incumbent Democratic candidate, discussions on other options reflect a desire for renewal and strengthening of leadership within the party, given current political challenges and future electoral prospects.

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Rezo Nodwes