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Hati-Coopration: Working meetings of the transitional authorities with international partners and the diaspora

  • June 6, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 11

P-to-P, June 6, 2024 [AlterPresse] — On Tuesday June 4 and Wednesday June 5, 2024, the transitional authorities had exchanges with international partners and the Haitian diaspora, with a view to strengthening ties of cooperation and solidarity, according to information gathered by the online agency AlterPresse.

The new Prime Minister of the transition, Garry Conille, thanked the representatives of countries friendly to Haiti for the “unwavering” solidarity and friendship of their countries to Haiti, in a working lunch, on June 4, 2024.

During this meeting with representatives of countries friendly to Haiti and international organizations, Conille focused on the actions of his next government, within the framework of the agreement of April 3, 2024, for a peaceful and peaceful transition. ordered, signed between different Haitian protagonists.

These government interventions should focus in particular on security, social and economic recovery, food and health security, the national conference, the rule of law, constitutional reform, and the organization of elections.

While expressing the hope of strengthening ties of friendship and solidarity with friendly countries of Haiti, Conille hopes that the cooperation of Haiti’s partners will make it possible to implement these major projects.

The four president advisors within the Cpt, Leslie Voltaire, Fritz Alphonse Jean, Frisnel Joseph and Laurent Saint-Cyr, received, on Wednesday June 5, 2024, representatives of the organizations Court of Peace and Haiti Matters playing in Ireland, a country which experienced around 30 years of civil war between Protestants and Roman Catholics.

These two organizations would have promised, according to the Cpt, to put their expertise in favor of Haiti, to encourage foreign private investors to come and create businesses in the country and to promote more commitment from the European Union (EU) .

Furthermore, advisor-presidents Frinel Joseph and Louis Gérald Gilles, on behalf of the Presidential Transitional Council (Cpt) met, on June 5, 2024, with several diaspora organizations.

While recognizing the contribution of Haitians living abroad to the national economy, they are committed to ensuring their active participation in the political life of the country.

“Our brothers and sisters in the diaspora must be able, not only to exercise their right to vote, but also to stand as candidates for various elective positions.”

Conille and the Cpt declare their commitment to “reducing the state’s lifestyle, by merging certain ministries”, with a view to “allowing the government to have more funds to invest in social matters, in order to improve living conditions of the population.

The next transitional government could have 13 ministers, instead of around twenty as usual, AlterPresse learns from consistent sources.

This decision resulted from discussions between members of the Presidential Transitional Council and Prime Minister Garry Conille, who discussed, on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, the profile of the government.

To achieve this result, it will be necessary, during this transition period, to merge several ministries, argued Garry Conille, according to a source close to the Cpt.

After the installation of the next government, the course will be set on the formation of the Provisional Electoral Council (Cep), whose fundamental mission will be to organize general elections at the end of 2025 aimed at electing new legitimate authorities, called to take over from February 7, 2026, recalls Cpt. [emb rc apr 06/06/2024 10:15]