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Hati-Criminality: Heavy shooting and high tensions, February 26, 2024, in downtown Port-au-Prince

  • February 26, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 38

P-au-P., February 26, 2024 [AlterPresse] — Heavy gunfire caused high tensions in several streets in the city center of the capital, Port-au-Prince, this Monday, February 26, 2024, according to information gathered by the online agency AlterPresse.

Armed clashes reportedly broke out between agents of the Haitian National Police (PNH) and a group of armed individuals at the bottom of the city, a witness, who requested anonymity, reported to AlterPresse.

This situation caused the paralysis of public transport, commercial and school activities in several places in downtown Port-au-Prince, especially at Portail Léogane, rue Chareron, de la Réunion, Joseph Janvier.

The Toussaint Louverture high school, located on rue Saint-Honoré, did not operate because of the tensions reigning in the area.

At least eight (8) people, including a national police officer, were killed on Wednesday 21, Thursday 22 and Friday 23 February 2024, in the violence of armed gangs in the commune of Carrefour (south of the capital, Port-au- Prince) and Fort National (downtown).

Gerto Cadet, agent of the Departmental Law Enforcement Unit (Udmo), from the 23rd promotion of the Haitian National Police (Pnh), was shot, mutilated and burned by individuals in Marotière 85 ( Carrefour), on the evening of Thursday February 22, 2024.

Five other people were killed, a Carrefour resident told AlterPresse.

In Fort National, two people were shot dead and several others injured, during attacks by bandits from the Bel Air gang, perpetrated on Wednesday February 21, 2024, with the aim of taking control of the area, reports the Movement of freedom and equality of Haitians for fraternity (Moleghaf), in a note.

Many people were forced to move to take refuge in Solino and Christ-Roi. [je emb rc apr 26/02/2024 12:15]