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Hati-Criminality: Strong indignation after the assassination of three police officers at the bottom of Delmas

  • June 10, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 18

P-to-P, June 10, 2024 [AlterPresse] — The cruel assassination, on Sunday June 9, 2024, near Delmas 18, of three national police officers from the Temporary Anti-Gang Unit (Utag), Emelin Fermetus, Peterson Clovis and Wilkens Jean Junior Piton, by the gang coalition armed, called Live togetherarouses deep indignation in Haiti, according to information gathered by the online agency AlterPresse.

Another police officer was seriously injured and an armored vehicle set on fire during the ambush on Sunday June 9, 2024.

The police officer injured in this ambush, who was rescued by other colleagues who arrived on the scene, is receiving treatment in a hospital, said the spokesperson for the Haitian National Police (Pnh), Commissioner Garry Desrosiers, which condemns the assassination of these Utag agents.

The assassination of these three police officers brings to 21 the number of police officers killed by armed bandits since the start of 2024, AlterPresse counts.

After the tragedy of Sunday June 9, 2024, the Pnh high command urgently convened a meeting to take note of the first elements of information.

Instructions have also been issued to open an investigation, in order to determine the circumstances of the tragedy, announces Desrosiers.

All arrangements will be made to support the parents of the victims, who are going through such difficult times, attempts to reassure the police institution.

In a note, the Presidential Transitional Council (Cpt) affirms to renew “its firm determination to do everything possible, with a view to strengthening the operational capacity of the Haitian public force, to neutralize armed bands and thus to promote the prevalence of a climate of peace and serenity throughout the national territory.

While sending its deepest condolences to the families of the victims as well as their colleagues in the police institution, the Cpt expresses its indignation following what it describes as an “ambush” which cost the lives of the three police officers. the Pnh, who were part of the Temporary Anti-Gang Unit (Utag).

The Opc continues to demand in-depth changes within the Pnh high command

“Once again, valiant and courageous police officers have fallen under murderous bullets, despite messages and distress calls addressed to the general management of the National Police, incapable of protecting the police officers and ensuring the safety of the population” , expresses, in a note, the Office for Citizen Protection (Opc).

Faced with this situation, which he describes as revolting and unacceptable, the Opc once again demands changes at the level of the general management of the police institution and the start of a vetting plan under the supervision of a versatile, competent body, made up of experienced technicians.

Such changes constitute “a necessary step towards improving security conditions in Haiti”, insists the Opc, which recalls how the police institution would be accused of collusion with armed gangs.

Police officers from all units are invited to active solidarity, to counter the serial assassinations of members of the institution.

“The population is waiting, in desolation, for concrete decisions from the members of the Presidential Transitional Council (Cpt) and the Prime Minister, in the face of the abuses recorded at the level of the National Police for almost three years,” underlines the Opc.

From January to March 2024, 2,505 people were killed and injured in violence linked to armed gangs in Haitiaccording to a report from the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (Binuh), dated Friday April 19, 2024. [emb rc apr 10/06/2024 10:45]