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Hati-Crise: Garry Conille promises a non-partisan government, which will focus on women, young people and the diaspora

  • May 31, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 14

P-au-P, 31 from 2024 [AlterPresse] — The newly appointed prime minister of the transition, Garry Conille, promises to put in place a non-partisan government, which should encourage the participation of women, young people and the diaspora, in a pre-recorded video in Creole published on social networks and viewed by the online agency AlterPresse.

Women, young people and the diaspora, a great support for Haiti, must be involved and validly represented in the new transitional government, which needs competent, practical and honest professional figures, declares Conille.

The decree, formalizing the choice, on May 28, 2024, by the Presidential Transitional Council (Cep), of Garry Conille as prime minister of the transition, was published in the official newspaper “Le Moniteur” of the republic, on Thursday May 30, 2024.

“The average age of the Haitian population is 23 years old. So, young people must be well represented. More than half of the population is made up of women. Women must find their place within government and they must be present. The diaspora represents a big support for the country’s economy. They must also find their place in this government,” underlines the new transitional prime minister.

The next transitional government in Haiti must reflect “courage, generosity, resilience and diversity of the Haitian people,” says Garry Conille.

“Despite the great challenges that await us, the country has just taken a big step, with the agreement found between the different sectors hitherto opposed in society, to appoint an independent, non-partisan personality capable of helping to build democracy in Haiti,” welcomes the new Prime Minister.

The crisis is terrible, but “there is no Haitian inevitability,” insists Garry Conille, who declares his commitment to working, in perfect collaboration with the members of the Presidential Transitional Council (Cpt), to resolve urgent problems. , which Haiti faces.

The country is going through a very difficult period, he acknowledges, noting how armed groups, which occupy a large part of the metropolitan area of ​​the capital, Port-au-Prince, kill and rape women and girls without punishment, despite the numerous sacrifices of national police officers to thwart them.

Forced to leave their homes, due to the terror of armed gangs (since the year 2023, around 400 thousand people displaced) several thousand (contrary to “several hundred”, mentioned by Garry Conille) of compatriots (children, women, men ) find themselves on the street without support, deplores Garry Conille.

The new transition prime minister has refrained from making any promises, such as on the thorny issue of crime, terror and other violence, perpetrated with complete impunity by armed gangs for many months in various parts of the territory. from Haiti.

Between January and March 2024, at least 2,505 people were killed or injured as a result of gang-related violence, an increase of 53% compared to the previous quarter (October to December 2023), the United Nations Integrated Office said in Haiti (Binuh) in his report of April 19, 2024.

Sexual violence continues to be used by armed gangs to attack residents in “rival” neighborhoods, he added. [emb rc apr 31/05/2024 14:20]

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