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Hati-Crise: Public health centre, Hueh closed for a month due to armed gang violence

  • March 28, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 29

P-to-P, March 28, 2024 [AlterPresse] — A series of steps are being taken to allow the reopening of the Hospital of the State University of Haiti (Hueh), the largest public hospital center in the capital, Port-au-Prince, more known as the general hospital, where care has been suspended since Thursday February 29, 2024 due to armed gang violence.

Discussions have been initiated with the police on security arrangements to be made around the hospital for its reopening, informs the executive director (since Friday March 10, 2023) of Hueh, Dr. Jude Milcé, in a special interview on the AlterPresse/AlterRadio platform.

The Haitian National Police (PNH) remained a little evasive on this issue, he explains.

Aspects of the internal functioning of the main public hospital in the capital, Port-au-Prince, were also discussed with the authorities concerned.

Hueh hopes to have enough petroleum products to operate its three generators for a fortnight, “because the reserves are exhausted,” says Dr. Jude Milcé.

During the discussions, hospital specialists spoke in favor of its reopening.

“Even in times of war, hospitals must function. The reopening of Hueh is important for the population, the disadvantaged classes and professional training, even if this must be done with the few resources we have,” points out Jude Milcé.

The deterioration of the security situation in Haiti, in particular around Hueh, makes it impossible to resume activities in the main hospital center in Port-au-Prince, doubts, however, the Union of health workers of the hospital general in Port-au-Prince.

Arson this week by armed gangs of several clinics and pharmacies near Hueh

Several clinics and pharmacies were looted and burned by armed gangs on the evening of Monday March 25, 2024, in the vicinity of the Hospital of the State University of Haiti, on avenue Monseigneur Guilloux.

Heavily armed groups also set fire, on Monday March 25, 2024, to the premises of the Les Frères Nau Mixed College, in the center of the capital, Port-au-Prince.condemns the branch in Haiti of the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef).

Unicef ​​denounces the arson of this school establishment, which deprives more than 1,000 children of their right to education.

Armed groups set fire to 23 classrooms at the Les Frères Nau mixed college, after entering its premises located on rue du Centre, underlines Unicef, which calls for an end, once and for all, to these armed attacks against children and families.

Hueh, centerpiece of the Haitian health system

“4 to 5 thousand consultations are carried out each month in outpatient clinics. Between 50 and 60 emergency cases as well as dozens of deliveries and cesareans per day are supported. More than 300 surgical procedures per month are carried out,” indicates Dr. Jude Milcé, emphasizing how Hueh represents a centerpiece for the Haitian health system.

It is the only more or less complete hospital in the country, in terms of services such as otolaryngology (ENT), dermatology available only at the hospital, he recalls.

Very affordable, the Hospital’s services are mainly provided to the vulnerable population of Port-au-Prince.

Only 50.00 gourdes are required for the consultation, 5 to 10 thousand gourdes for interventions and 5 thousand gourdes (Editor’s note: US $1.00=+ 140.00 gourdes; 1 euro=144.00 gourdes; 1 Canadian dollar=98.00 gourdes; 1 Dominican peso=2.40 gourds today) for childbirth, he informs.

An arrangement can be found with people who do not have the means to pay the required amounts, he adds.

Having been started under the Martelly-Lamothe political administration, the construction work of the Hospital of the State University of Haiti (Hueh), which would be 80% complete, was to be resumed during the month of April 2024 to be completed in 12 to 18 months, announces the executive director of Hueh, Dr. Jude Milcé. [mff emb rc apr 28/03/2024 13:00]

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