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Hati-Crisis: The Montana movement demands the official publication of the Agreement of April 3, 2024, the basis of the transition

  • June 11, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 12

P-to-P, June 11, 2024 [AlterPresse] — The Office for monitoring the agreement of August 30, 2021 (Bsa), called the Montana agreement, calls on the Presidential Transitional Council (Cpt) to publish, in the official newspaper of the republic “Le Moniteur”, the “agreement of April 3, 2024 for a peaceful and orderly transition”, signed between different Haitian protagonists, in an open letter seen by the online agency AlterPresse.

The Cpt did not respect its commitments, in particular that concerning the publication of the agreement of April 3, 2024, he denounces.

Continuing not to publish the agreement of April 3, 2024 is to transform the transition into a savannah, where the Cpt does what it wants and prevents society from having a mechanism to measure its actions, criticizes the Bsa.

The members of the Presidential Transitional Council must comply with the law, within a maximum period of 30 days, after their installation, provides for the agreement of April 3, 2024.

The Presidential Transitional Council, composed of 9 members, was installed, early in the morning of Thursday April 25, 2024, at the National Palace.

The mandate of the Presidential Transitional Council, defined within the framework of a political agreement, is 22 months, until the entry into office, in February 2026, of a president resulting from the polls. This deadline cannot be extended under any circumstances.

Members of the Presidential Transitional Council, the government and the Government Action Control Body (Ocag) have a maximum period of 30 days, from the date of their installation, to add to their files the documents, such as the police certificate issued by the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police (Dcpj) or a criminal record issued by the court of first instance, the final income tax declaration, the certificate of declaration of assets in strict compliance with the law relating to the declaration of assets, stipulates article 51 of the agreement of April 3, 2024.

It is important that this obligation is respected without delay, so that the company is aware of the measures that will be taken against advisers who are not in compliance with the law, requires the Bsa.

This obligation should also allow the assessment of the assets of the members of the Cpt, at the end of their mandate.

In concert with the resigning government, the Presidential Transitional Council published a decree, in which it removes all references to the consensus that created it, criticizes the Montana Agreement Monitoring Office.

Stakeholders, signatories of the political agreement of April 3, 2024 for a peaceful and orderly transition, said they were shocked by the publication of a decree published on April 12, 2024which distorts the transition project.

They denounced the introduction of major modifications, which distort the consensual project of a two-headed executive led by the Presidential Transitional Council, a consensus patiently and laboriously built between the stakeholders from March 11, 2024.

The Bsa underlines how the Presidential Transitional Council is the result of a consensus between different social and political sectors, to allow the country to have a new governance capable of quickly facing the suffering that the people have suffered for a long time, particularly during the last three years. [emb rc apr 11/06/2024 11:30]