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Hati – Culture: Applications open, Program for future young cultural professionals

  • February 24, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 29

Haiti – Culture: Applications open, Program for future young cultural professionals
24/02/2024 10:09:08

As part of the “Tanbou” project to support the structuring of the cultural industries sector in Haiti, the French Institute is carrying out a program to welcome young cultural professionals into French structures, in partnership with the Connaissance et Liberté FOKAL foundation. , the French Embassy in Haiti, France Volunteers and funding from the French Development Agency (AFD).

In conjunction with France Volontaires, civic services will be hosted in various French cultural structures such as national drama or dance stages, concert halls or festivals.

Depending on their tastes and profiles, young professionals will have the opportunity to train in various fields such as administration, production, mediation, communication and even performance techniques.

Over a period of 6 to 10 months, accompanied by a tutor, volunteers will develop in a professional setting to better understand the issues related to the conduct of artistic events.

Open application / prerequisites:
– Be at least 20 years old and under 26 years old upon their return to Haiti.
– Already have professional or voluntary experience of at least 6 months in the cultural sector, and as a priority in all fields of live performance, music and performance techniques.
– Be Haitian and reside in the country.
– Have a profile in show administration, production, communications/press relations, mediation, show techniques: sound, lighting, general management,
– Have a professional project to return to Haiti in the field of culture

Download the rules and conditions:

Submit your application online:

Deadline for submitting the complete application file: 4 mars 2024

Read also about the “Tanbou” project:

HL/ S/ HaïtiLibre

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