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Hati – education: Corruption in matters of legalization of diplomas and certificates, the Minister sanctions

  • June 7, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 15

Haiti – Education: Corruption in the legalization of diplomas and certificates, the Ministry sanctions
07/06/2024 09:43:25

The Ministry of National Education informs that it has taken sanctions against employees involved in acts of corruption in the handling of documents to be legalized such as diplomas and certificates. The Ministry has decided to suspend the employees involved in these acts and will follow up to obtain their dismissals and to strengthen the provisions for controlling these files.
This decision was taken following a report from the Directorate of Legal Affairs (DAJ) and the complaints received against these employees, as well as after the verification of the allegations of this act of corruption.

Following the instructions of the authority of the Ministry, the General Inspectorate of the Ministry will ensure to deepen the investigation, with the collaboration of the DAJ, to identify all the other people who would be involved in these unacceptable acts, so that they can obtain the sanctions they deserve in accordance with the law and regulations in this area.

The Ministry takes this opportunity to remind the public that there is only one receipt to purchase from the DGI for each document that will be legalized within the Ministry. No citizen will have to pay an additional gourde for this service.

The Ministry recalls that it has already taken several measures in its fight against corruption on this issue, such as when it took the decision to close the ministry’s office in Babiole and that everyone can have their license diplomas legalized also online , on the Ministry’s website.

In addition, the Ministry does not take a university degree to legalize someone. It is the Universities which must ensure follow-up directly with the Ministry through the Directorate of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the DAJ which are in charge of this file.

The ministry invites everyone to file a complaint against individuals who ask for money to provide services when the law and regulations do not require it.

You can call the Ministry’s call center to file complaints at the numbers: +509 31267519/+509 47204375.

It is hand in hand that we will succeed in putting an end to corruption in public services.

HL/ HaitiFree

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