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Hati – FLASH: Speech by PM Conille, during the presentation of his amplification (Vido)

  • June 4, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 19

Haiti – FLASH: Speech by PM Conille, during the presentation of his amplification (Video)
04/06/2024 09:14:28

Monday June 3, 2024, the Welcome Villa, Prime Minister Garry Conille, during a ceremony received from the hands of Edgard Leblanc Fils, who holds the rotating Presidency -haiti-flash-the-cpt-agrees-for-a-rotating-presidency-and-a-qualified-majority.html of the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT), the amplification (authenticated copy of the decree on appointing him for this position) appointing him Head of the Transitional Government.

It was an opportunity for Garry Conille to invite all stakeholders to put their differences aside by prioritizing the supreme interest of the Nation. He said he was aware of the urgency of the moment, the issues and the immense challenges that await him.

However, he firmly believes that we must move very quickly in order to tackle, without delay, the major problems facing the country.

At the end of this ceremony, the official work agenda of Prime Minister Conille began, one of his priorities being to begin negotiations as soon as possible to form a new government.

Recall that Conille who returned from abroad on Saturday and pledged to do everything possible to make the transition a success and announced that he would form a team made up of women, young people and members of the diaspora https :// -pm.html

IH/ iciHaïti

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