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Hati – FLASH: The FAd’H on maximum alert

  • June 19, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 9

Haiti – FLASH: The FAd’H on maximum alert
19/06/2024 07:20:43

Following the instructions of Jean Marc Berthier ANTOINE the new Minister of Defense, the Director General of the Ministry of Defense, Colonel Louis Marcelin Daniel, issued a circular dated June 18, 2024, addressed to Lieutenant-General Jodel Lesage, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of Haiti (FAD’H), “According to the recommendations of the Minister, you are hereby asked to put the Armed Forces of Haiti in condition “D””

This decision follows a rigorous assessment of the current security situation in the country, marked by significant challenges requiring increased vigilance and immediate reactivity, specifies the Ministry of Defense

Remember that condition “D” presupposes the maximum state of alert decreed in the case of a “state of siege” or in the event of imminent danger and means having the maximum number of personnel at the commander’s disposal.

“Subsequent instructions will follow” concluded the circular

This initiative is part of the strategic priorities defined by the Minister to strengthen the operational capacities of the Armed Forces of Haiti and ensure an effective response to the threats weighing on our country.

HL/ HaitiFree

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