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Hati – FLASH: The nutritional crisis could cost the lives of countless children, says UNICEF

  • March 31, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 30

Haiti – FLASH: “The nutritional crisis could cost the lives of countless children” says UNICEF
31/03/2024 08:49:34

Recent findings from analysis conducted by the Integrated Food Security Classification Framework (IPC) indicate an alarming 19% increase in the number of children suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in Haiti this year. Additionally, as the latest IPC analysis shows, 1.64 million people face critical levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 4), increasing the risk of wasting and malnutrition among children, particularly in eight regions of the country.

Armed violence in the Artibonite and West departments, which include Port-au-Prince, has hampered the delivery of aid and shaken an already fragile health system, imminently threatening the lives of more than 125,000 children at risk of severe acute malnutrition and related diseases.

“Violence and instability in Haiti have consequences that go far beyond the risks associated with the violence itself. The situation is creating a health and nutritional crisis that could cost the lives of countless children » said Catherine Russell, Executive Director of UNICEF. “Thousands of children are on the brink, with vital supplies ready to be delivered if the violence stops and roads and hospitals reopen. This nutritional crisis is entirely man-made. Basic security conditions are urgently needed for the people of Haiti, for the vital services on which they depend to function and for humanitarian workers to reach the children and families who desperately need them.

Since January, the deterioration of security in Haiti has continued to worsen the humanitarian crisis, with serious consequences for UNICEF’s ability to store, deliver and resupply much-needed aid.

Earlier this month, one of 17 UNICEF containers was looted from the Caribbean Port Service in Port-au-Prince. The looted container contained essential items for maternal, newborn and child health, including resuscitators and related equipment.

Furthermore, the current insecurity in Port-au-Prince has made it virtually impossible to deliver medical and food supplies to more than 58,000 children suffering from severe wasting in the metropolitan region. The Martissant road, the only humanitarian corridor linking Port-au-Prince to the southern regions, remains blocked, leaving around 15,000 malnourished children on the brink of disaster.

Insecurity in much of the Haitian capital is hampering the transport and resupply of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF), used to treat children suffering from SAM, which could lead to disruptions in the supply chain. supply and have serious consequences if the situation remains unchanged.

HL/ HaitiFree

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