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Hati – Jamaica: 59 Haitian children with disabilities saved from chaos

  • March 23, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 35

Haiti – Jamaica: 59 disabled Haitian children saved from chaos…
23/03/2024 10:20:32

59 disabled Haitian children and 13 caregivers were evacuated from Haiti by boat on March 21 to Jamaica, fleeing violent fighting and daily gang crimes.

The children were cared for by the non-profit organization Haiti Children, which coordinated the trip with Mustard Seed Communities (MSC) Jamaica.

Upon arrival, the children underwent medical examinations before being housed with their caregivers in the newly constructed Ephesus Village of “Jacob’s Ladder” in the town of Moneague (North District of Saint Ann).

Rev. Garvin Augustine, Executive Director of MSC, told NBC News that these children were forced to leave the organization’s home in Haiti when growing unrest made it unsafe for them to continue living there. […] Children were left without access to vital supplies or urgent medical care,” taking the opportunity to highlight his organization’s commitment to helping those in need.

“The arrival of these children in Jamaica is a testament to our dedication,” he said in a statement. “We recognize the profound responsibility we have assumed and we promise to provide them with the care and support they deserve.” »

S/ HaitiFree

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