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Hati – Politics: The Multinational Mission is the greatest gift given to Hati dixit Me Andr Michel

  • May 10, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 23

Haiti – Politics: “The Multinational Mission is the greatest gift given to Haiti” says Me André Michel
10/05/2024 09:56:05

In a note, Me André Michel, leader of the radical opposition known as the “Democratic and Popular Sector” (SDP), said thank you to the Government of Ariel Henry and to Haiti’s allies such as the United States, France and Mexico for their great diplomatic battle which led the United Nations Security Council to adopt in October 2023 the resolution on the intervention in Haiti of a Multinational Security Support Mission, October 2, 2023 https://www.haitilibre .com/article-40642-haiti-flash-the-security-council-approves-the-intervention-of-a-multinational-force-in-haiti.html in support of the Haitian National Police (PNH) in his fight against armed gangs

« […] It’s a good thing for the population. Thanks to this international force, large and small businesses will be able to open their doors, the “Madan Sara” will be able to carry out their activities, restaurants will resume their activities in the evening, people will be able to go anywhere in the country like Martissant, Marianie, Kanaran etc. …

“That’s going to be a lot.”

For more than 18 months, the SDP has been repeating one thing: without an international force, we will not be able to escape the yoke of gangs.

Today, Citizens who decided to leave their homes in Fontamara, Martissant, Carrefour Feuilles, Torcelles, Tabarre, Croix-des-Bouquets, Gressier, Santo, Kanaran, Pernier, Delmas, Bel Aire, Solino, Gran Ravine, Cite Soleil, Fort Senklè, Fort national, downtown, in Artibonite and in the rest of the country, we hope that they will one day return home.

[…] The SDP thanks the United Nations for authorizing this Multinational Security Support Mission. This is the greatest gift they can give to Haiti at this time. »

HL/ HaitiFree

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Posted on 05/10/2024 10:04:38
And the worst gift you gave us was all the demonstrations followed by riots and riots.
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