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Hati – Scuit: A CPT advisor visits the base under construction of the multinational force

  • May 30, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 27

Haiti – Security: A CPT advisor visits the base under construction of the multinational force
30/05/2024 10:46:45

Wednesday May 29, 2024, Leslie Voltaire Representative of the “Fanmi Lavalas” Party on the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) visited the base under construction of the Multinational Force, located near the airport and intended to accommodate the troops of the mission.

Through this visit, the CPT wished to assess on the ground the progress of the work in progress to accommodate the number of international forces which will be deployed to support the Haitian National Police (PNH) in its fight against armed gangs. for the restoration of security in Haiti.

This visit was an opportunity for those responsible for this vast project to provide explanations on the progress of the work on the deadline for the end of all this work (information not made public).

The site director explained to Voltaire how the space was organized to receive members of the international forces in good conditions. Leslie Voltaire visited dormitories, the medical center, the cafeteria and other areas that will be used by foreign soldiers.

HL/ HaitiFree

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