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Hati-Scurit: Youri Latortue proposes a Security Emergency Plan to the CPT…

  • May 28, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 22

Former senator Youri Latortue sent a letter to members of the Presidential Transitional Council in Haiti, dated Monday, May 27, 2024, proposing a security emergency plan to counter the growing insecurity caused by armed gangs. This plan aims to respond to current circumstances, particularly in Port-au-Prince, where violence is reaching alarming levels in the absence of rapid intervention by the multinational force.

In his correspondence, Latortue recalls that he had already presented a similar plan in 2021 to the government of Ariel Henry, but had received no concrete response. Noting the continued deterioration of the security situation and the rapid expansion of armed groups, he updated his plan to offer solutions adapted to current challenges. It highlights the need for a coordinated national strategy, even with the possible arrival of an international support force, and recommends the inclusion of local experts in the implementation of this plan.

The former elected representative of Artibonite expresses his availability to detail his complete plan during a meeting with the Presidential Council, emphasizing the fragile and secret nature of the information to be shared. The Senator emphasizes the importance of mobilizing the population, the National Police of Haiti (PNH) and the Armed Forces of Haiti (FAD’H) for an effective response to insecurity.

Note that, moreover, a project to create the National Security Council (CNS) is currently being studied. This council, composed of local and international experts, will be responsible for defining and supervising arrangements relating to international security assistance, in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2699.

Mackenson PHANOR

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