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Hati – Social: The Haitian population caught in the spiral of hunger

  • March 25, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 32

Haiti – Social: The Haitian population caught in the spiral of hunger
25/03/2024 10:43:43

Just like last year, 2024 started with the same factors that contribute to increasing the vulnerability of households by depriving them of food and other basic necessities.

The already catastrophic humanitarian situation has deteriorated recently with an increase in the level of violence in several neighborhoods of Port-au-Prince since the end of February…

From March 8 to 14, 2024, 17,000 people left the Metropolitan Area of ​​Port-au-Prince towards the provinces and more than 362,000 people are currently displaced throughout the country.

This widespread violence has not only caused massive displacement, but it has also caused households to lose their livelihoods and employment opportunities. The availability of food is scarce in the markets, leading to soaring prices which are beyond the reach of vulnerable households. The numerous barricades erected by the gangs and the increase in the cost of fuel are making the prices of these commodities high on the markets.

According to the results of the price analysis carried out at the end of January 2024 by the World Food Program (WFP) team, the cost of the food basket increased in 7 out of 10 departments: Ouest (+10%), Grand ‘Anse (+9 %), South-East (+2%), South (+2%), North West (+1%), Center (+1%) and North Department (+0.3%). North (+0.3%). Increases which can be explained by the increase in the prices of basic food products such as beans, rice, corn and to a lesser extent, wheat flour.

To compensate for product shortages, traders import a large part of agricultural products and other food products from the Dominican Republic. According to Price tracking dataOrganisation Internationale Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) of February 2024 “All cooking oil is imported and rice imports represent nearly 80% of national needs. Large quantities of beans and corn are also imported. »

Being deprived of all means of subsistence and given their state of vulnerability, these displaced people and host families present pressing needs including food assistance which will allow them to relieve their suffering immediately and to plan for the future. to support them in regaining their means of subsistence lost in this troubled situation.

It is in this context that the food security sector notes the weak capacity of its members to mobilize and respond to the needs of people in distress, due to a lack of financial resources to deal with this deep crisis situation.

The operational environment is increasingly hostile for the population and humanitarian actors operating in Haiti. Despite this, the humanitarian community continues to support affected populations despite the increase in attacks.

Read also:

HL/ HaitiFree

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