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Heart – Actualit : Zapping (vido)

  • June 3, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 28

Haiti – News: Zapping… (video)
03/06/2024 11:33:41

The Dominican army sends reinforcements to the border:
In anticipation of the arrival of the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti, expected around mid-June… The Commander General of the army, General Carlos Antonio Fernández Onofre, ordered an increase in personnel in the main units responsible for guarding the border strip. The Dominican army deployed 1,110 additional soldiers who came to reinforce the 10th Infantry Battalion, in Dajabón, the First Infantry Battalion, in Elías Piña, the “El Rodeo” Military Fortress, in Jimaní, in the province of Independencia, and the 16th Infantry Battalion in the Enriquillo Fortress, in Pedernales. Furthermore, the number of soldiers in the Commando Battalion has also been increased.

Mystery: Citadelle Laferrière, 2 cannons have disappeared
According to available information, two bronze cannons on the Citadelle Laferrière tourist site have disappeared without a trace. The Institute for the Protection of National Heritage has been asked to explain what has become of these two canons and, if necessary, open an investigation. Far from simply stealing cannonballs, could looters be at the origin of this surprising disappearance given the considerable weight of these cannons…? Informed of this disappearance, the authorities concerned remain silent until now.

The PM tours the city center in an armored car:
Prime Minister Garry Conille and the acting Director General of the PNH, yesterday Sunday June 2, 2024, boarded an armored vehicle, and took a tour of downtown Port-au-Prince, to assess the situation, 3 years after the capture of Martissant.

Towards a return of Dominican plantains?
Dominican sellers operating in a market along the border with Haiti have called on the Dominican Government to lift the ban on exporting plantains to Haiti. However, soldiers at the border, acting on orders from Minister of Agriculture Limbert Cruz, seized this type of agricultural product purchased by Haitians. While there was initially a shortage, the current situation has turned into overproduction, leading to market saturation.

Ce-JILAP: 630 deaths in the first quarter
The National Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace (Ce-JILAP) says it has recorded 630 cases of homicide for the first quarter of 2024. If these figures are significantly lower than those communicated by the United Nations for the same period, the observations of the Ce -Jilap relate only to 7 municipalities of the West department.

Florida: Symposium on Haitian Art
The Tampa Museum of Art will hold a symposium on Haitian art on June 9, 2024. The symposium will focus on the works and artists whose creations appear in the Arthur Albrecht collection of the Tampa Museum of Art in Florida. This collection includes 89 paintings and sculptures, as well as 55 pieces of related art created by artists who started at the Art Center or who frequented it during their careers.

HL/ HaitiFree

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