Verified on 10/26/2023 by Alexane Flament, Editor

An American study looked at the subjects that cause the most arguments within couples. And the result is rather surprising!

If we all dream of a lasting, healthy, balanced and passionate couple relationship, unfortunately, it happens that love gives way under the pressure of differences of opinion, erosion, charge mentale supported by one of the two spouses or even jealousy. So much so that today, a marriage often ends in divorce, which mainly occurs around the first five years of union.

“Divorces often follow months or even years of conflict. And there are many reasons for disagreement among those interviewed whose marriages have ended”, indicates the study. But what is the main source of conflict within a couple? This is precisely the question that Forbes Advisor tried to answer.

What are the problems encountered in a relationship?

For the purposes of the survey, 1,000 Americans who were divorced or in the process of divorce responded to the survey. The goal ? Identify the most annoying subjects within a couple. Among the most cited reasons for divorce, we find:

  • the lack of investment within the family sphere,
  • dissensions over the education of children,
  • unfaithfulness,
  • incompatibility,
  • lack of interest in others,
  • lack of privacy,
  • relationships with family and friends,
  • the lack of respect,
  • permanent criticism,
  • poor communication,
  • the unequal distribution of domestic tasks,
  • the recurrence and poor management of conflicts within the couple,
  • health choices (alcohol, tobacco, illicit substances),
  • financial difficulties,
  • violence (physical and/or psychological),
  • the difference in lifestyles,
  • the speed of marriage.

What is the main source of conflict within a couple?

In addition to these different sources of conflict, the survey notes that a very specific subject particularly threatens the balance of a romantic relationship: choices relating to professional life.

According to specialists, this is indeed the subject that has been at the origin of the divorce of 46% of respondents who, for example, blame their partner for working too much, for being obsessed with work, for not really knowing how to disconnect or even for imposing on them, as well as the rest of the family, lifestyle choices related to their work.

Eva Yoro


October 26, 2023, at 9:56 a.m.

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