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Hundreds of citizens in the streets in Port-au-Prince to force the departure of Ariel Henry

  • February 4, 2024
  • 9 Min
  • 45

At the call of the Secretary General of the Political Party Pitit Desalin this Sunday, February 4, 2024, hundreds of citizens took to the streets in Port-au-Prince to demand the departure of Prime Minister Ariel Henry who, according to them, led the country in chaos.

11:30 a.m., demonstrators are noticed in the various assembly points. At the Champ de Mars and in Kafou Rezistans, many demonstrators carrying the Haitian bicolor, the black and red flag and also that of Russia are waiting for the start of the mobilization which is intended to be the final battle to dislodge Ariel Henry from the prime ministership.

An hour later, the branch leaving Champ de Mars headed by Abel Loreston joined that of Carrefour de l’Aéroport (Kafou Rezistans) before the two groups followed the Delmas motorway. Vehicles turn around, leaving the field open to the demonstrators. On placards, the slogans are clear: “Ariel lage pye w”, as if to demand his departure from power.

To the sound of decibels from Trucks Sound and bands of rara, citizens launch hostile remarks towards Prime Minister Ariel Henry. Young, old and political figures are noticed on the route. “Ariel Henry has neither the quality nor the title to remain in power. We demand that he withdraw for fear that anger will attack him,” indicates an activist close to Nenel Cassy and member of the opposition.

Towards the National Television of Haiti, at the corner of Delmas 33 and Delmas 32, the leader of the Pitit Desalin party, Jean Charles Moïse appeared to the acclamation of the public. The crowd grows.

“Want it or not, make him go”

Led by bands of raras and two Truck Sound, the event heads to Pétion Ville. The demonstrators march to the rhythm of the music “Vle pa vle fò l ale”. “With Ariel Henry, inflation exploded; insecurity has become much more glaring,” analyzes a demonstrator, believing that “we must stop the bleeding.”

All along the Delmas highway, the demonstration rhymes with insults against Ariel Henry and other members of his government. The protesters complain of having been decapitalized. “After 30 months of impoverishment, I don’t think I will be able to do two more weeks with Ariel Henry at the head of the country,” complains a fifty-year-old.

At Delmas 48, the demonstrators face their very first obstacle. The road leading to the official residence of Ariel Henry is blocked by two vehicles of the Haitian National Police. Around ten police officers are ready to fight. Demonstrators are prohibited from taking to the road. The same situation is observed at Delmas 60. Two other PNH vehicles block the entrance. They were forced to walk along the highway and head towards Pétion-Ville.

Attempted fire to a pond

Strolling through Delmas 103, the crowd is joined by merchants from the well-known Pétion-Ville market who also express their fed-up and their frustrations.

In the town of Pétion-Ville, near Muncheez, angry demonstrators became very violent. A stall erected for carnival activities is targeted by demonstrators trying to burn it down. Police officers used tear gas and shots to disperse the crowd and create panic.

The crowd heads towards Bourdon to reach Musseau where the Prime Minister’s official residence is located. Arriving there, they are faced with a third obstacle. The area around the official residence of Prime Minister Ariel Henry is completely barricaded by agents of the Haitian National Police.

Jean Charles Moïse gassed

Powerless, the demonstrators were unable to cross. Only former senator Jean Charles Moïse was authorized to pass the roadblock. Anger rises. To restore order in the area of ​​the official residence, the police used tear gas. Even the leader of Pitit Desalin was gassed.

At the microphone of journalists, the former presidential candidate spoke of the high cost of living and the situation of the inhabitants of Carrefour-Feuilles to explain the failure of Ariel Henry’s government and the reasons for the uprising. Moïse also wants to remind the head of government that it is time to leave, in accordance with the agreement of December 21. “As of tomorrow, we will return there,” promises Jean Charles Moïse who treats Ariel Henry and the police as “cowards “.

The former presidential candidate calls for “putting up barricades and setting fires” in front of the houses of ministers and Ariel Henry. He renews his commitment to continue the mobilization until the resignation of Ariel Henry.

Tomorrow Monday, the population is called to take to the streets at the call of Guy Philippe and Claude Joseph to demand the departure of Dr. Ariel Henry, as the fateful date of February 7, 2024 approaches. Sectors are also sending out a word strike order from this Monday.

By: Daniel Zéphyr

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Gazette Haiti