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In the News: Press review of Friday May 31, 2024

  • June 1, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 34

Haiti-Insecurity: High tensions in Delmas 24 and Solino…

A hail of bullets ravaged the neighborhoods of Delmas 24 and Solino on the afternoon of Thursday May 30, 2024, creating a climate of terror among residents. Clashes between gangs and law enforcement lasted hours, transforming these neighborhoods into war zones.

“Fanm Yo La” demands 30% women in Haiti’s new transitional government…

As a prelude to the formation of the new government led by Dr. Garry Conille, recently appointed by the Presidential Council, the women’s collective “Fanm Yo La” pleaded for respect for the quota of 30% of women in state decision-making structures. .

The United States repatriates the remains of American Missionaries killed in Haiti…

The bodies of American missionaries Davy and Natalie Lloyd, killed on May 23, 2024 by armed gangs in Lizon, in Plaine du Cul-de-sac, were repatriated to the United States on Thursday, May 30, 2024.

The international community calls for an Inclusive and Democratic Transition in Haiti…

The US Department of State issued a statement this Thursday, May 30, 2024 in which it urges the Presidential Council and Prime Minister Garry Conille to quickly form a credible, responsible and inclusive government and Provisional Electoral Council.

The American Embassy in Haiti welcomes the resumption of American Airlines flights…

The airline American Airlines resumed its flights to Haiti this Thursday, May 30, after an interruption of almost two months due to a gang attack at Toussaint Louverture airport. This resumption is welcomed with enthusiasm by the United States Embassy, ​​which sees this decision as a positive sign for the stability and security of the region.

Politics: Fritz Dorvilier very optimistic about the choice of Dr Garry Conille…

Mr. Fritz Dorvilier, specialist in international relations, says he is optimistic about the appointment of Prime Minister Gary Conille who, according to him, has in-depth knowledge of the workings of the United Nations institutions, which represents a major asset.

Condemned, Donald Trump vehemently counterattacks…

The day after his historic guilty verdict in New York, Donald Trump did not mince his words to criticize this trial, which he considers “very unfair” and “rigged”. Found guilty of falsifying documents and facing up to four years in prison, the former president held a press conference this Friday, May 31 from the lobby of Trump Tower in Manhattan.

USA: Donald Trump found guilty in his trial in New York…

Former US President Donald Trump was found guilty on all counts at his criminal trial in New York on Thursday for making hidden payments to a porn star.

Football: Champions League Final Borussia Dortmund VS Real Madrid…

The 2023/2024 UEFA Champions League season ends on Saturday June 1 at Wembley Stadium in London. This is the 69th season of Europe’s elite club competition and the 32nd since it was renamed the UEFA Champions League.

Basketball – NBA: Dallas Mavericks Champions of the Western Conference and face Boston Celtics in the NBA Final…

We now know the poster for the NBA finals for the 2023-2024 season. It will pit the Dallas Mavericks, led by the essential Luka Doncic, against the Boston Celtics. The Mavericks picked up their fourth victory in the series against the Minnesota Timberwolves on Thursday night, winning with authority by a score of 124-103.

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