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Insecurity: panic in the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince, shots ring out everywhere

  • February 29, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 36

Insecurity: panic in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince, shots ring out everywhere.

A wind of panic has reigned since Thursday morning in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince. In several areas including Bel-Air, Champ de Mars, Marché Salomon, Tabarre, lower Delmas and Plaine, automatic weapons fire is heard. A situation which aroused fear among the population. In downtown Port-au-Prince, several schools have already released students, some parents are rushing to pick up their children.

Indeed, information suggested that heavily armed individuals were noticed in the vicinity of downtown Port-au-Prince exchanging fire with police officers. Loud explosions were heard for several hours. Many streets in the metropolitan area are virtually empty. Citizens deserted to avoid being victims of stray bullets.

It is a Haitian capital in turmoil. In recent years, we have seen that the country has gone into a tailspin, particularly the Haitian capital controlled by armed groups who lay down the law on a daily basis. They kill, burn, pillage and kidnap people. The authorities have lost control of the territory while the population does not know what to do in the face of the deterioration of the security climate, added to this the increase in unemployment, inflation and the lack of access to basic services. .

Residents of several neighborhoods continue to launch SOS messages in the face of gang violence that terrorizes the population. In Port-au-Prince, the city is surrounded by armed groups. At the southern entrance to the capital, considered the road to death, three armed groups took control of this national road which connects four other departments (South-East, South, Nippes and Grand-Anse).

Izo’s men control Village de Dieu, those of Ti Lapli have control over Grand Ravine and Chrisla’s acolytes control Ti Bwa and Fontamara. Without forgetting that the man named Bout Ba took control of Mariani a few months ago.

Meanwhile, those in power are waiting for the arrival of a multinational force to fight the gangs while these armed individuals continue to lay down the law, the police are often murdered by these thugs. The people can no longer resist, the authorities concerned are unable to restore order, and the country continues to collapse.

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