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International Nurses Day: honoring the unsung heroes of the medical world

  • May 12, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 20

International Nurses Day, a way to celebrate the legacy of Florence Nightingale

Every May 12, the world celebrates International Nurses Day, an annual event dedicated to recognizing and honoring the dedication and essential contributions of nurses to society. This special day, also known as “International Nurses Day”finds its origins in the life and work of Florence Nightingale, a pioneer of modern nursing.

Indeed, May 12 was chosen as the commemorative date due to the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale in 1820, an iconic figure whose impact on the field of health and nursing still resonates today. Nicknamed the “Lady with the Lamp”Florence Nightingale is famous for transforming nursing practices during the Crimean War in the 19th century, with an emphasis on hygiene, compassion, and professional training.

The International Nurses Day initiative was launched in 1965 by the International Council of Nurses (CII), a global organization representing more than 20 million nurses around the world. Since then, the day has become a symbol of recognition and respect for the nursing profession, highlighting its crucial role in providing health care and supporting patients, families and communities.

Over the decades, International Nurses Day has become much more than just a commemoration of Florence Nightingale. It has become a platform to raise awareness about the importance of nursing, as well as the urgency of ensuring safe and fair working conditions for nurses around the world.

Since the 1980s, the International Council of Nurses has used this day as an opportunity to publish studies, works and reports grouped under the name of “International Nurses’ Day Kit”. These resources provide in-depth analysis of current challenges facing healthcare professionals, as well as innovative solutions to improve the quality of care and promote the well-being of nurses.

This International Nurses Day, as the world continues to face unprecedented public health challenges, it is more important than ever to recognize the dedication, courage and compassion of nurses. Their tireless work and personal sacrifice are the pillars on which our healthcare system rests, and they deserve all of our gratitude and support. By honoring the legacy of Florence Nightingale and celebrating the invaluable contributions of nurses around the world, we are committed to building a future where the health and well-being of all is a universal priority.

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