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Jean Charles Moïse announces an 18-month transition accompanied by a presidential college of 3 members to replace Ariel Henry, Continue Reading

  • February 3, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 89

Former senator Jean Charles Moïse, speaking in the special broadcast of Gazette Haiti News produced this Saturday, February 3, 2024, announced that his party Pitit Desalin, as well as other structures are almost ready to present a document leading to a exit from crisis. The actors recommend a transition of one and a half years composed of 3 members with the mission of replacing Ariel Henry.

The date of February 7, 2024 arrives and Prime Minister Ariel Henry still does not wish to leave power despite successive mobilizations across the country and threats in the Haitian capital. If he has already announced the colors for this Sunday, February 4, Jean Charles Moise, according to him, is increasing the number of political meetings.

Three meetings have already been held between Pitit Desalin and other political structures, according to Jean Charles Moïse who is careful not to reveal the names. The resolution should be taken this evening, if we are to believe the words of the former presidential candidate on this program who specifies that the public must be aware of the news from this Sunday morning.

This resolution, according to Jean Charles Moïse, is intended to be an alternative to the multidimensional crisis the country is experiencing. “We have made great progress,” says the former mayor of Milot.

In the last meetings between Jean Charles Moïse and other political structures, two proposals were on the table, regarding the governance of the country. The first recommends a provisional president from the Court of Cassation and the other recommends a presidential college of 3 members with a personality from the far North, a second from the great sur and the 3rd from the capital Port-au-Prince.

However, he said he had expressed reservations about the personality who should represent the West because, according to him, the latter has links to the national palace and the prime minister who could be detrimental to the project. “He risks being controlled,” fears Jean Charles Moïse.

Discussions were held on the duration of the possible transition. Some have proposed 36 months for the transition but the leader of Pitit Desalin warns against such an idea. According to him, the country risks having difficulties “at the level of international cooperation”.

Finally, the political structures present agreed for a transition with a duration of 18 months. This transition, according to Jean Charles Moïse, must succeed in restoring peace and security to the country while establishing the Provisional Electoral Council. The former parliamentarian recognizes that elections cannot be held in the country without security guarantees.

While on the one hand Moïse claims to be in discussions with other actors, on the other hand he is preparing to take to the streets to force Ariel Henry to resign. He announced that the demonstration on Sunday February 4 would “shake the gate of the residence of Prime Minister Ariel Henry before going to the national palace. The one we tend to present as an ally of the head of government is very acidic against the latter.

Jean Charles Moïse believes that his political structure has the capacity to throw Ariel Henry. He wants as proof the mobilization carried out a few days ago in Cap-Haitien. “The way it happened in Cap-Haitien, if it happens like this in Port-au-Prince tomorrow, the government will not be able to resist,” he believes.

A few days before February 7, the end date of the transitional period according to the December 21 agreement, coalitions are forming to demand the resignation of Dr. Ariel Henry. However, no clear alternative has yet been presented to the population for his replacement in the event that he actually leaves power.

By: Daniel Zéphyr

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