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Judge Morin brings criminal charges against Romel Bell, his wife and their accomplice Father Duckens Augustin for corruption

  • May 14, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 29

Judge Morin brings criminal charges against Romel Bell, his wife and their accomplice Father Duckens Augustin for asset laundering and financing of terrorism, illicit enrichment

The magistrate Jean Wilner MORINin charge of the investigation of the case initiated by the prosecution of the court of first instance of Port-au-Prince following an investigation by the anti-corruption unit (ULCC) on the laundering of assets, the financing of terrorism and illicit enrichment referred, this Tuesday, May 14, the three defendants and their company to the criminal court to be tried for corruption and criminal conspiracy.

The ULCC had recommended the initiation of public action against the former director of the AGD, Romel Bell for illicit enrichment, laundering of the proceeds of crime and false declaration of assets; and against his wife Anna Dorvil BELL as co-author of laundering the proceeds of crime, as well as prosecutions against Reverend Father Duckens AUGUSTIN known as Duken AUGUSTIN for complicity in laundering the proceeds of crime and obstructing the proper functioning of justice.

The United States Department of State announced in December 2022 the adoption of a series of measures for considerable corruption against Romel Bell. The United States has accused Romel Bell, the former Director General of the General Administration of Customs, of having abused his public position by participating in corrupt activities that undermined the integrity of the Haitian government.

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