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June 28, 1945: official resumption of diplomatic relations between France and Hati

  • June 28, 2024
  • 3 Min
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Today’s ephemeris: national holidays, events marking the history of Haiti, proverbs… the online agency Juno7 brings you a refresher.

It is Friday June 28, 2024

June 28, 1945 : The Provisional Government of the French Republic appoints Joseph Chayet as Minister Plenipotentiary to Haiti. This was the sign of the official resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

June 28, 1916 : publication in the official newspaper “Le Moniteur” of the Haitian-American Convention of September 16, 1915, accompanied by the minutes of the exchange of ratifications. This document represents the birth certificate of the new Haitian State, according to historian Luis Araquistaín.

June 28, 1811: rebellion of General Wagnac’s troops against André Rigaud. Coming from Grande Anse and arriving in Les Cayes that day, they seized the city’s arsenal. Rigaud’s generals had the general beaten and called the young people forming the national guard, the administration employees and the magistrates to arms. The next day, a long and bloody fight ensued. The rebels were defeated and the few survivors fled.

June 28, 1902 : sinking of the Haitian cruiser “Toussaint Louverture”. Seized by Admiral Killick, during his revolt against the provisional government (See: May 13), this cruiser will disappear in the waters of Caracol Bay.

June 28, 2021 : Doctors Without Borders (MSF) announces that it is suspending the activities of its emergency center in Martissant due to the armed violence raging in the area.

June 28, 2009 : US Congressmen Kendrick Meek, Mario Diaz-Balart, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Llena Ros-Lehtinen and Debbie Wasserman conclude a visit to Haiti. During this visit, they met with Haitian authorities on Haitian-American cooperation, particularly on economic development aid, the fight against drug trafficking, security and assistance in the event of natural disasters.

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