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Justice: Resignation as representative of Haiti to the Oea of ​​Lon Charles, former police director, charged in the assassination of Jovenel Mose

  • February 22, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 36

P-au-P., February 22, 2024 [AlterPresse] — The former interim director general (November 16, 2020 – October 21, 2021; March 2004 – July 2005) of the Haitian National Police (Pnh), Léon Charles, has just submitted his resignation, Wednesday February 21, 2024 , as permanent representative of the Republic of Haiti to the Organization of American States (Oea), in a letter addressed to the de facto holder of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religious Affairs (Maec), Jean Victor Généus, indicates- he on his page X, consulted by the online agency AlterPresse.

Léon Charles justifies his resignation by being accused “in an absolutely unfair and slanderous manner” by the order, dated January 25, 2024, of the investigating judge Walter Wesser Voltaire, responsible for the investigation of the assassination, on Wednesday February 7, 2021, of Jovenel Moïse.

Although the order has not yet been served on him, he says, Léon Charles declares “to be determined to fight vigorously, by all legal means, the fanciful accusations brought against him, in order to have his innocence recognized and his name cleared.” honor “.

As a diplomat in the service of the government, he also claims to have resigned in order to “benefit, for this purpose, from all the necessary freedom of maneuver and speech”.

Around fifty people including the former director general of police Léon Charles (November 16, 2020 – October 21, 2021; March 2004 – July 2005), are referred to the criminal court, as part of the assassination case, on Wednesday July 7, 2021, of former President Jovenel Moïseaccording to the order dated January 25, 2024 of investigating judge Walther Wesser Voltaire, made public on February 19, 2024.

Having received various distress calls from Jovenel Moïse, at the time when the attackers stormed his residence, “the former director general of the Pnh, Léon Charles, showed a reckless and reckless Purianism, by not having not transported urgently, accompanied by his troops to the scene”, notes the said order of January 25, 2024.

“All things considered, the indications of complicity in the assassination of President Jovenel Moise against the former commander-in-chief of the PNH Léon Charles are sufficient, why dismissal will be ordered against him.”

Léon Charles preferred to “wait until it was rather his intelligence advisor and task force commander, Inspector General André Jonas Vladimir Paraison, at the end of a perilous mission in Torcel and in conversation with the latter, interrupted by the song of swan of the president, who left, in all haste and all affairs ceasing, to try in vain to save his life,” the order blames.

In addition, the former director general of the Pnh “participated in numerous meetings, the objective of which was the arrest of Jovenel Moïse”, revealed the accused Joseph Félix Badio to the criminal investigation chamber on Thursday 26 October 2023. [emb rc apr 22/02/2024 12:55]

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