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Lascahobas Inter-School Championship: Classical Mixed School and Lyce Salnave Zamor champions of the junior and senior categories

  • June 5, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 12

The champions of Lycée Salnave Zamor / Photo: Berlanaud Denaud

The finals of the inter-school championship in Lascahobas, in the Center Department, took place last weekend on the grounds of Parc Saint Gabriel. By winning against their respective opponents, the École Mixte Classique and the Lycée Salnave Zamor are the winners of the tournament organized by COFI.

THE HAITI FACTOR, June 5, 2024._ Parc Saint Gabriel hosted on Friday May 31 and Sunday June 2, 2024, the finals of the 6th edition of the Lascahobas inter-school championship organized by COFI.

Facing Yahveh Nissi College, the Classical Mixed School of the Church of Christ won the final of the junior category (U18) by four goals to one (4-1).

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Players from the Classic mixed school with their trophies Photo Berlanaud Denaud

With this success, Jeff Kony’s foals are crowned champions in the junior category for the first time in their history. This school has won everything in its path. It has in its ranks the best scorer, player and goalkeeper.

For its part, Lycée Salnave Zamor won with difficulty (2-1) against Collège Saint-Michel in the Senior category. A victory which allowed the High School Students to win this category for the third time in 6 editions.

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The trophies for the Senior category Photo Berlanaud Denaud

During these two finals, the public was there to beautify Saint Gabriel Park and encourage the teams. Several DJs were also there to add entertainment.

The competition is over, it’s time for the trophies:

Senior Category

Champion: Salnave Zamor High School

Vice Champion: Saint Michel College

Top scorer: Steevenson Voltaire (Lycée SZ) 5 goals

Best player: Jean-Rony Noël (Collège Saint Michel)

Best goalkeeper: Donalson Lafleur (Collège Saint Michel)

Junior Category:

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Part of the public photo Berlanaud Denaud

Champion: Christ Church Classical Mixed School

Vice-champion: Yahveh Nissi College

Top scorer: Jean Esclavensky Pierre-Louis (EMCECL) 6 goals

Best player: Amaly Official (EMCECL)

Best goalkeeper: Worlkendji Timaitre (EMCECL)

Should we remember that after 6 editions, Lycée Salnave Zamor remains in the lead with the greatest number of trophies in both categories combined with three (3) trophies in the Senior category and two (2) in junior (U18)


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Le Facteur Haiti