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“Letter to my mother”: the voice of a son and patriot

  • June 3, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 24

The poet and slammer Evens-Edson Maurice, better known as Psy-M, released his latest piece entitled “Letter to my mother” on May 18, 2024. Through this opus, available on the various streaming platforms, the music video also available on his YouTube channel Pys-M, the artist takes a nostalgic leap between his memories and his hopes in the motherland: Haiti.

“Letter to my mother”, the latest single from artist Psy-M, presents itself as a touching missive addressed to his beloved mother. “Letter to my mother, as the title clearly indicates, is a letter addressed to my mother, my dearest mother who I miss so much,” he explains with palpable emotion.

Physical distance has only intensified the memories and gratitude he feels for her. “A mother for whom I am grateful for what she gave me, the man I am today is thanks to her,” he adds, emphasizing the indelible influence of his mother on his the course of life. This piece is a poignant expression of the nostalgia and hope of a son estranged from his mother.

The official release of “Letter to my mother” coincided with the Haitian bicolor celebration, May 18, a symbolic and thoughtful choice. “This choice of date was not at all innocent,” explains the artist.

The concept of “Mother”

The concept of “mother” in this text has a double meaning. “Mother in the text has a double meaning, for those who are close to me, they can always have the impression that I am speaking to my late mother, orphan that I am,” he explains.

However, by interpreting “mother” as a metaphor for the homeland, Haiti, the song acquires a deep patriotic dimension. This interpretation reveals the immeasurable love and desire to see better days for one’s homeland.

This piece was intended as a call to collective consciousness and action. “I want to remind my blood brothers and sisters that it is up to us to change the situation,” he says. The artist highlights the importance of unity and self-dependence for Haiti.

“Our motherland, the country, Haiti, does not really have any friends and it can only count on us,” he insists. It addresses themes such as identity, resilience in the face of immigration, and the country’s socio-political challenges. “I want to remind my brothers and sisters in this piece that the color of our skin will never define who we really are,” he continues.

The feedback on “Letter to My Mother” is extremely positive. “The video is making headway, already in rotation on seven television channels in Haiti, and the audio is running on several streaming platforms,” he welcomes.

Son inspiration, sa muse

The artist’s inspiration comes from various sources. “Everything that moves inspires me, everything that surrounds me. Life, everyday life, love, sex. Political-social problems, etc.,” he explains.

He writes to motivate, raise awareness and defend. “We artists, our weapon is the word, our pen and we must make good use of it,” he concludes, emphasizing his commitment to using his art to give a voice to those who are deprived of it.

“Letter to My Mother” transcends a simple song to become a work of reflection, remembrance and hope. Through his words, the artist offers an intimate and universal perspective, inspiring everyone to look within themselves and recognize the importance of love and duty to one’s mother and homeland.

About Psy-M

Author, composer, screenwriter, lyricist, poet and slammer, Psy-M, whose real name is Evens-Edson Maurice, is present in Montreal, where he currently lives. He takes his stage name, Psy-M, from his studies in psychology at the Faculty of Ethnology of the State University of Haiti and from his last name Maurice.

Passionate about poetry and slam, Psy-M already has several songs to his credits including “Mama” and “Ce n’est qu’un myth”, among others. With his latest piece “Letter to my mother”, he claims to already have a slam album and a collection of poems ready to be released in the near future.

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Michelet Joseph