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Letter to the President of Kenya: Opposition to foreign military intervention in Haiti

  • May 22, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 15

President Williams Ruto

President’s Office


Cc : Dr. Ekuru Aukot

Dates: May 21, 2024

Subject: Opposition to foreign military intervention in Haiti

Mr President Ruto,

As an esteemed African leader, we have always considered you a brother in our common quest for progress and unity. However, recent actions have given us reason to pause and reflect on this perception.

It is brought to our attention that there are considerations for foreign military intervention in Haiti, with your administration potentially involved. We, the Haitian people, firmly oppose any foreign military presence on our soil. Such intervention, whatever its intentions, is likely to cause more harm than good to our nation.

Haiti is a proud country with a rich history of resilience and bravery. Our ancestors, under the leadership of Emperor Jean-Jacques Dessalines, fought valiantly to defeat Napoleon’s army and obtain our freedom, making Haiti the first free black nation. This story is not only a source of pride for us, but also a testimony to our unwavering spirit and determination to self-govern.

Currently, we have capable men and women ready to serve in the Haitian armed forces, but political obstacles prevent us from establishing a fully functional army. The call for external military support undermines our sovereignty and disrespects the sacrifices of our ancestors.

From now on, any foreign military presence on Haitian soil will be considered an act of aggression, making every lost Haitian life a direct responsibility of your government. Your actions, which appear to serve the interests of external powers, are seen as a betrayal of the fundamental principles of African solidarity and self-determination. We strongly urge you to think deeply about the historical context and far-reaching consequences of your decisions.

[email protected] (816) 819-0626 / 941 536-8031



Haiti is going through a difficult time without a stable government. Any external intervention not only violates our national sovereignty, but is also unconstitutional from the perspective of both our nations. We implore you to reconsider any plans involving military interference in our internal affairs.

In conclusion, we hope that you understand the seriousness of this situation and respect our position. Your presence, or that of any foreign military force, is not welcome in the land of the brave. We remain steadfast in our commitment to our sovereignty and our right to self-determination.


President Eliphete Joseph

Unforgettable Movement Dessalines Jean Jacques

[email protected] (816) 819-0626 / 941 536-8031