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LONI launches a caravan to distribute National Identification Cards in the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince

  • July 19, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 1

ONI deploys a caravan for the distribution of National Identification Cards in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince.

The National Identification Office (ONI) announces the imminent launch of a caravan to distribute National Identification Cards (CIN) in several areas of the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince. This initiative aims to improve access to identification cards for citizens of the municipalities concerned, including Tabarre, Port-au-Prince, Croix-des-Bouquets, Pétion-Ville and Delmas.

To facilitate this operation, ONI will set up new mobile distribution points in the above-mentioned areas:

The cards initially available in the offices on Rue Lamarre and Gymnasium Vincent will now be accessible at our office located at Canapé-Vert.

The cards previously distributed in Tabarre, Corail Cesselesse and Croix-des-Bouquets will now be available at SONAPL.

The Silo office cards will now be distributed at the Delmas Town Hall.

The cards previously distributed at the Lycée de Pétion-Ville office will be delivered to the OAVCT in Pétion-Ville.

This initiative aims to regularize ONI operations and dispel any suspicion of corrupt practices denounced by citizens. ONI reaffirms that the card is free and reminds that no one has to pay to obtain their CIN.

ONI invites the public to remain attentive to its upcoming announcements regarding the passage of the caravan in other municipalities of the country. Various communication channels will be used to inform the population.

L’Office National d’Identification said it renews its determination and commitment to serve the population with transparency and efficiency.

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