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Marc Eudes PIERRRE | Haiti: Reconquering sovereignty

  • June 3, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 12

During the last three decades, the country has experienced three foreign interventions. A real consequence of our inconsistencies, and also the fierce desire of the international to maintain chronic instability in Haiti.

The last intervention is still taking shape. This slowness is not the result of chance. It is a tactic that is part of the strategy of imperialism’s plan for better political positioning in order to anticipate the next blows.

In the meantime, the country is on alert, waiting desperately. Haiti today has no other alternative, between the plague of generalized insecurity and the cholera of foreign soldiers.

This dilemma is the result of a war waged against Haiti by certain foreign powers. This is a fourth generation war. Its modus operandi consists of generating chaos and ungovernability within a State, imploding the government, weakening sovereign institutions, favoring quality weapons for groups devoid of ideology, creating the market for the sale of drugs and trafficking in human organs etc…In this war the intangible weapons are subtle and almost invisible, but the daily life of the people with its processions of wounded, killed, displaced and abandoned children proves that the country is in war.

The objective: to ensure that the victim State has no other recourse than to request “international aid” which would result in military intervention to “protect” the lives of civilians and restore peace, at the same time. remove national sovereignty.

The reconquest of Haiti’s national sovereignty will largely depend on the deep commitment of the population, either through the next electoral competitions or any other means that can resolve the “crisis of political representation.”

Thus, Haiti will proudly regain its place in the concert of great nations in its capacity as the first Republic, Negro, free and independent.

Marc Eudes PIERRRE