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March 1, 2022: Ariel Henry meets the President of Suriname, Chandrikapersad Santokhi to discuss, among other things, the security crisis

  • March 1, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 34

“A people without memory is a people without a future,” said Aimé Césaire. Here is the ephemeris for March 1, 2024.

March 1, 2022: Ariel Henry meets with the President of the Republic of Suriname, Chandrikapersad Santokhi.

On the sidelines of the 33rd Intersessional Meeting of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (Caricom), in San Pedro, Belize, on March 1-2, 2022, Prime Minister Dr. Ariel Henry, during a bilateral meeting with the President of the Republic of Suriname, Mr. Chandrikapersad Santokhi, addressed issues related to strengthening bilateral cooperation, security, the migration crisis, respect for international conventions and treaties enshrining the principle of non-refoulement with regard to refugees.

The government of Suriname has agreed to support Haiti’s various initiatives relating to the fight against insecurity, which constitutes one of the greatest priorities and concerns of the Haitian government. It was an opportunity for Prime Minister Ariel Henry to renew his commitment to holding popular consultations within the framework of a new Constitution, to the organization of free, honest and democratic elections and to the consolidation of democracy .

March 1, 2023: Yves Jean-Bart, president of the Haitian Football Federation, announces his return to the head of the federation.

Accused of child abuse, Jean Bart was suspended for life from any football-related activity and forced to pay a fine of 1 million Swiss Francs, for having violated art. 23 (Protection of physical and mental integrity) and art. 25 (Abuse of power), by the Judgment Chamber of the FIFA Ethics Committee on November 18, 2020. A decision annulled by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne (Switzerland) for insufficient evidence. Yves Jean-Bart thus announced his return to the head of the FHF.

March 1, 1847.- Choice of Faustin Soulouque as president of Haiti

After the death of Jean-Baptiste Riché (February 27, 1847), the generals meeting to appoint a new president were unable to agree on either of the two candidates in the running (Jean-Paul and Souffrant). They therefore ended up choosing Faustin Soulouque, then head of the presidential guard.

March 1, 1969. Death of Jean-Price Mars

Doctor of medicine, anthropologist, political leader, Jean-Price Mars marked an entire generation of Haiti through his writings including Thus by the uncle published in 1928, and his actions including his positions against the American occupation (1915-1934 ). When he died, he was 93 years old.

March 1, 2001. Ratification of Jean-Marie Cherestal as Prime Minister

At his inauguration the next day, he became the tenth Haitian prime minister.

March 1, 1846.- General Jean-Baptiste Riché proclaimed president of Haiti by the garrisons of Port-au-Prince and Saint Marc

This proclamation will be confirmed on March 12 and on the 24th of the same month, the new president will receive the inauguration.

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