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Michel Andr, ally of Dr Ariel Henry, is delighted that the presidential council reiterates the request of the multinational force

  • May 8, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 18

In a publication on his Presidential Transition. He sent a proud tribute to Dr. Ariel Henry for having taken the first steps.

André Michel, lawyer and political ally of former Prime Minister Ariel Henry, expressed his pride for the resigning government, welcoming the steps of the former head of government.

The MMSS is a proposed multinational force to help restore security to Haiti, a nation troubled by decades of political instability and gang violence. The Transitional Presidential Council reiterated at the beginning of the week the request to send this mission, considered an essential step to stabilize the country and fight against gangs.

André Michel underlined the importance of this decision in his message on social networks, highlighting the leadership and commitment of Prime Minister Ariel Henry. He praised Henry for taking the lead in taking the necessary steps to seek help from the international community to resolve the problem of insecurity. This approach, according to Michel, was the government’s desire to face the security challenges that hinder the development and stability of Haiti.

“Good news for the population »

André Michel says he is extremely happy because all the political and civil society actors who sit on the presidential transitional council agree today for the international community to come to the country. “This is good news for the population,” he said in his publication, estimating that “thanks to the presence of the international community, large businesses and small businesses will be able to open their doors, merchants will be able to resume their activities, restaurants will be able to start operating normally again, and people will be able to travel anywhere in the country such as Martissant, Mariani, Canaan and elsewhere. It will bring a lot of relief.”

André Michel recalls that his political structure called the Democratic and Popular Sector always had to say that “we will not be able to get rid of the gangs without an international force”. “The SDP does not ‘dance’ with the gangs, which is why all the gang leaders attack the SDP leaders morning, noon and night,” he wrote. For André Michel, this mission is “the greatest gift” that the international community can offer Haiti at this time. With this mission, he believes that the displaced can hope to return home one day.

Furthermore, André Michel clarified that the Democratic and Popular Sector is not in collusion with the gangs. This sentence from the publication resembles a response to journalist Roudy Sanon who accused the SDP of being in cahoots with the Kraze Baryè gang led by Vitelhomme Innocent.

By: Daniel Zéphyr

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Gazette Haiti