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MMSS deployment: American military plane lands in Haiti

  • May 15, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 23

An American military plane landed in Haiti, as part of preparation for the deployment of the MMSS.

This Wednesday, May 15, 2024, a plane US Air Force of the American army landed on the runway of Toussaint Louverture International Airport. According to information provided by a government source, this plane made its landing as part of the preparation for the deployment of the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMSS).

“For several weeks, the American government has been involved in this initiative where several pieces of equipment have arrived in Haiti, with a view to preparing the ground for foreign police officers who will be on Haitian soil during the end of this month of May” underlined this source contacted by telephone by Juno7.

Not having the possibility of communicating the types of materials brought by the American soldiers, our source simply confirmed that several materials arrived in Haiti this Wednesday. “They are working hard to ensure that the mission base is ready to welcome foreign police officers and soldiers who will have to accompany the police in Haiti with a view to establishing a climate of security in the country” she insisted.

It should be noted that according to the American daily New York Times, Kenyan police officers who completed their training months ago and who were on leave have just been recalled in preparation for their departure for Haiti. No specific date has yet been set, but they will arrive this month, again according to the American daily.

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