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NASA predicts a list of regions that will be unlivable in 2050 due to global warming

  • April 15, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 34

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) predicts a list of regions that will be uninhabitable by 2050 due to extreme heat.

The Futura-Sciences and CNEWS sites reported, this Monday, April 15, 2024, that NASA instruments revealed data which showed that by 2050 several regions around the world will be uninhabitable due to extreme humid heat. It should also be noted that climate change has been very common in recent years around the world, a phenomenon that could make certain parts of the planet unlivable.

Indeed, NASA’s climate forecast models have attempted to determine the countries where the wet bulb index will soon be too high to survive. The different regions which risk being uninhabitable are: “southern Asia, countries in the Persian Gulf such as Iran, Oman or Kuwait, but also those bordering the Red Sea such as Egypt, Arabia Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia and Yemen. Eastern China and part of Brazil could also be affected, as well as certain American states such as Arkansas, Missouri and Iowa,” CNEWS wrote on its site.

According to the investigation, NASA relied on a specific indicator which is the “wet bulb globe temperature.” According to Futura-Sciences, this device amounts to measuring the body’s ability to cool itself through sweating when extreme heat is combined with humidity.

Furthermore, CNEWS also underlined that “humid heat is in fact the most dangerous for humans because the effectiveness of perspiration, the role of which is to lower body temperature, is compromised if the environment is saturated in water.”

It should also be noted that the human body can withstand for only six hours a humid temperature not exceeding 35° TW. Otherwise, the risk of death is probable. Media reports revealed that “NASA measuring instruments on board the International Space Station have recorded higher values ​​several times since 2005, particularly in the subtropical regions of Pakistan and the Persian Gulf.”

At NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is an American government agency responsible for executing the civil space program. Even today, it is considered a leader in the aerospace field. His track record includes the Apollo missions which sent the first men to the Moon, the exploration of Mars by Curiosity and the discoveries of the Hubble space telescope.

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