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Nesmy Manigat appointed Chief of Staff of PM Garry Conille, with the rank of minister

  • June 14, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 20

Nesmy Manigat appointed Chief of Staff of PM Garry Conille and the former Minister of Justice, Camille Junior ÉDOUARD appointed Secretary General of the Prime Minister’s Office.

After installing his government, Prime Minister Garry Canille began to appoint collaborators around him in whom he placed his trust.

In a decree dated this Friday, June 14, the head of government appointed Nesmy MANIGAT as Director of his Cabinet,
with the rank of Minister.

While he was Minister of National Education, he was reappointed on March 10 as head of the Finance Committee of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).

Garry Conille has also appointed Camille Junior ÉDOUARD as Secretary General of the Prime Minister’s Office, with the rank of Minister, replacing Jude Charles Faustin.

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