Never summoned to the group of 18, Garissonne Innocent is relegated to Belgian D2 with his club

By Mythsouka Jean-Philippe

It is with a bitter taste that KAS EUPEN supporters see their team officially relegated to Belgian D2 after a series of disappointing results during the playoffs to maintain D1. Despite their efforts, the defeat on the fifth day sealed the club’s fate, even if there was one last match to play.

One of the most remarkable anecdotes from this difficult season is undoubtedly the case of Garisonne Innocent, the Haitian goalkeeper who has proven himself in the past at Paris Saint-Germain and Vannes OC. Yet despite his experience, Innocent remained on the bench throughout the season, relegated to the unenviable role of the club’s fourth goalkeeper.

While KAS EUPEN supporters seek to understand the reasons for this descent into D2, the irony of the situation with Garisonne Innocent does not go unnoticed. Despite his impressive pedigree, he never got the chance to showcase his talents on the pitch, remaining a luxury spectator for most of the season.

However, in difficult times, it is important to remember that football is an unpredictable sport, where twists and turns are an integral part of the experience. As KAS EUPEN prepare to bounce back and reclaim their place in the elite, it remains to be seen what role Garisonne Innocent will play in the team’s future.

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