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*Open letter from Marc Antoine Marcelin Monsieur Paul Antoine Bien-Aim*

  • May 27, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 18

Mr Beloved,

_In limine litis_, I would like to salute your commitment and your exemplary academic career, I am a former executive of the Ministry of the Interior and local authorities from 2003 to 2014 and worked in the political affairs, studies and programming departments before be transferred to the management of local authorities.

Certainly, I did not have the chance to work under your auspices at the Ministry because I had to leave for a while to study in Belgium, but we crossed paths once in the corridors of the Ministry when you were giving the handover to the Ministry. new minister Thierry Mayard Paul in 2011.

Mr Beloved,

I remember you as an eloquent, wise man, who had the stature of a statesman. Initially, I had a very good impression of you but I was going to be disappointed when I learned how you had used the ministry on the instructions of René Préval to exploit local authorities with the aim of supporting Mr. Jacques Edouard Alexis , then Prime Minister, in front of parliament.

Furthermore, at the end of the 48th legislature all MPs who were members of the *IniteVerité* parties became consultants to the MICT. My disappointment was even greater when I had proof that FGDCT funds had been used to finance Judes Celestin’s campaign in 2010 after Senator Kelly Bastien, through political maneuvering, sidestepped Mr. Alexis in favor of Mr. Celestin.

Mr Beloved,

My disappointment with you would continue when I learned that you were the founder, the instigator of the political parties Inité (with the late Paul Denis and Gérald Germain) and Vérité with Génard Joseph who made unsuccessful candidates like Jacky Lumarque for the presidency and Alix Didier Fils-Aimé in the Senate in the West. The worst part is that you were one of the influential consultants of the Bourdon Group which did so much harm to the country politically and economically.

Mr Beloved,

I am writing this open letter to you because you are a venerable person who, as best you can, has left an intellectual, academic and professional legacy, you cannot start again with the same disastrous practices nor allow yourself to be exploited by the actors of the Bourdon Group who , for some they are the financial sponsors of many political leaders, notably Inite, Vérité and very recently PHTK. Please stop otherwise history will remember nothing about you other than a pawn of the ruling class who destroyed our beloved Haiti. Just a tip.


Marc Antoine Marcelin
DESS in local finances